FMP | Locked-In – Initial Outline

14 Jan

Locked-In is the story of Nick who after being hit by a car is left with a rare form of paralysis known as Locked-In Syndrome. This short film will explore the events that occurred before the accident through photography. As Nick can now only communicate through blinks he lets us into his thoughts and explains the eventual breakdown of his relationship with a young woman.


1. Nick lies in his hospital bed motionless, machinery beeps as he explains about the accident and that he has been left paralysed.

2. Through narration Nick tells us about the weeks leading up to the accident. He had been living with his girlfriend for two years and was planning to propose. They have a simple lifestyle, easy jobs, nice home, happy, comfortable.

3. Nick takes us through their first date, this section will show the couple at their happiest, snapshots of a perfect life.

4. We see the couple back at the house and it is obvious to see that they are obsessed with each other.

5. Nick explains that after a while the relationship became stale and his girlfriend became more and more interested in her work colleague.

6. There are snapshots of her arriving home looking like she has been out all night. Nick doesn’t confront her and lets her carry on with her lie.

7. Nick turns to drink and is often intoxicated when she comes home. You can tell that she is becoming increasingly frustrated with him.

8. The work colleague accidentally leaves an answerphone message on the home phone which Nick finds and listens to over and over again.

9. Nick’s girlfriend arrives home late again and this time he doesn’t let it go. He questions her which results in her storming off and ringing the other man. Nick overhears the conversation and confronts her once more, this breaks out in a scuffle and we hear a thud before seeing she is on the floor of the kitchen.

10. Nick is still very inebriated and is struggling to understand what has happened, he tries to pick her up and is covered in blood. He instinctively runs outside in a blind panic once he realises what he has done to get help and is hit by an oncoming car.

11. Nick wakes to find that he can’t move any of his limbs. The machinery beeps as he explains that this is his punishment.


I plan to film the hospital scenes but everything else will be photographed, this is because I want to show a disjointed memory as though we are in his mind. I think this will add to the style of the piece and keep it interesting. Also with the photos I will have sections where they are out of order, this technique I plan to use for the montage of their dates as though you are looking through a photo album.


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